NY District Aktion Club Highlights
Want to feature one of your club’s activities? Send us pictures and descriptions! (Please include the date.)
Aktion Club 2019 INTERNATIONAL Contests:
And The Winners Are...
2018-19 Aktion Club INTERNATIONAL LEVEL Contest Winners
After winning the District Level Aktion Club contests, winners are submitted for judging at the INTERNATIONAL LEVEL. This year one of our New York District Winners went on to win FIRST PLACE at the International level.
Congratulations to the BRIGHTON AKTION CLUB for receiving FIRST PLACE in the SINGLE SERVICE contest. Their project, “Upcycled Super Crayon Fundraiser” raised funds to send a Kamper to Kamp Kiwanis by creating and selling super crayons upcycled from discarded crayon pieces. Congratulations to the Brighton Aktion Club for this honor, and all their effort!
Congratulations also to the ANCHOR AKTION CLUB and the NUNDA KIWANIS AKTION CLUB for receiving DISTINGUISHED CLUB status this year.
2018-19 International Results:
Nov 1, 2019